Saturday, 19 November 2016

TOF Captain Flooder 2016

What is new ?
  • very fast flooder
  • add flood to whole room user
  • 16 ids one by one flooder
  • anti ban ( tested with all bots)


  1. Bro...
    login all id but join onley 1st id in target room plz fix this bug otherwise nice tool.

  2. Dear friend. Follow this instructions to fix this problem.
    1. make sure that your all ids are logged correctly and not banned in your target room
    2. captchas are depends on each ids. example if 1st id got logged in properly it will join to target room then only next id (2nd one) will start joining. so if your 1st id got failed while joining to target room then 2nd id could not join. this is same till 8th ids
    3. when clicking join room button every captchas will appears and the cursor automatically moves to the 1st captcha answer box. write down the correct answr and hit enter key. it will start entering to room and floods. automatically cursor will goes to 2nd captcha box. write down and hit enter key. follow this steps until all captcha.

    i hope this information will help you in future.



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